
If you enjoy course work that addresses current events and persistent issues in American politics, 国际关系, and the internal politics of countries across the globe, 考虑主修政治学. 在这个部门, you’ll find engaged faculty and students with a real passion for active participation. And you will develop a network of alumni and community partners ready to make your college-to-career dreams a reality.




Highly motivated majors have the opportunity to participate in the University of Kentucky’s accelerated Master of Public 政府 or Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Commerce programs, both of which offer undergraduates the opportunity to take graduate-level classes after earning 86 undergraduate credit hours.


Recent students have managed campaigns and even run for local office!


Course work addresses current events and persistent issues in American politics, 国际关系, and the internal politics of countries across the globe, including recent courses on immigration and international films.


33 hours for major; 18 hours for minor

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"My first political science class at Georgetown made me fall in love with the field. My idea of what politics entailed widened and my passions were discovered and nurtured."

 ——Jacqui Johns, 17岁

"This Department has changed my world view. I have been able to travel and experience different cultures."

 - Aubri Layson '17, Faculty of Colegio Americano de Xalapa in Veracruz, Mexico


Want to know more about this academic program? Contact the department chair for more information.

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